Which Friends Star is Getting Revenge Plastic Surgery?

Posted May 21, 2018
Revenge Plastic Surgery - Jennifer Aniston

Ever since Jennifer Aniston broke up with Justin Theroux, there have been multiple magazine stories about her life after the split. Some sources say she is dating again while others say Jen is lonely and doesn’t know what to do about her love life. Some of the reports also claim she is trying to update her look in order to move on from Justin Theroux.

A recent report in Life & Style Magazine claims that Aniston has spent $200,000 on cosmetic procedures since her split from Justin. The magazine says she spent this money in an effort to look younger. The source of the reports says that, since mid-February, Aniston has spent that much money on cosmetic procedures such as Botoxfillers and “expensive products”. The source also claims part of the money was spent on personal trainers to get her in even better shape than before the split. All of this work is supposedly being done so Jen can get revenge on Justin by showing him what he is missing without her in his life.

The magazine interviewed a doctor that has never treated Aniston in the past. This doctor speculates that Jen got a number of treatments that include Botox in the forehead and around her eyes, laser treatments, cheek fillers and maybe some microneedling. While the doctor gave his opinion on her appearance, it is important to remember that this person has never treated Jennifer Aniston in the past. This means the doctor does not have any intimate knowledge of her medical history. The doctor likely viewed some photos of Jennifer which can make it hard to judge whether or not she had any work performed thanks to the angles of the photos or the lighting in the pictures.

In addition, the magazine plastered the words “revenge makeover” on its cover and, in the article, said that she wants to “get revenge” on her ex through cosmetic procedures. However, the article never states exactly why she wants to get any kind of revenge on Theroux. In contrast to this article, other magazines are saying that Aniston is doing fine after the breakup and is moving on rather nicely from the relationship.

When asked about the story claiming Aniston is undergoing “revenge plastic surgery”, her rep says the story is “bogus”.  The rep also denied an earlier story about Jen’s friends wanting to set her up with men that are not famous. This category of male suitors includes a chef, Silicon Valley executives and other types of businessmen.

Regardless of the current stories about Jen and her suspected plastic surgery adventures, Aniston has shared some of her skincare secrets in the past. In 2015, she told InStyle that she likes laser treatments. In the same article, she claimed to not be a fan of Botox. She made this point since so many other gossip magazines claimed she had the treatment on a regular basis. In addition, she said that daily actions such as drinking water, getting plenty of sleep and following a diet that stresses good nutrition help her keep a youthful look. She also made it a point to say she would not go under the plastic surgery knife because of, in her words, how “bad plastic surgery and injections” can make people look after the procedure.

While some readers might believe the latest stories surrounding Jennifer Aniston and plastic surgery, the story in Life & Style is based on gossip and the opinion of a doctor that has not treated the superstar actress in the past. The fact that the magazine did not talk to Aniston, or her reps, can easily lead one to believe that the story has not been checked for accuracy and medical facts. Instead, it appears that the story is simply based on gossip and readers should take the information presented in the magazine with a grain of salt.

As mentioned above, reps for Aniston have denied Jennifer has undergone any type of cosmetic procedure. Even if she did have some sort of “revenge cosmetic treatment”, she likely would not admit it to the public. Until Aniston feels the need to share her cosmetic history with the public, fans of the actress will need to be careful when reading stories about her appearance.



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