4 Things to Consider Before Having Plastic Surgery

Posted June 07, 2016

Almost everyone dreams of making a change in their appearance at some time in their life. From having a facelift to getting a more refined nose to undergoing breast augmentation, the desire to have plastic surgery is shared by several people. However, plastic surgery should not be entered into lightly and you should do proper research before having a procedure.

Things to Consider Before Plastic Surgery

  • It’s not cheap – In 2013, Americans spent over 7-billion dollars on surgical procedures according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. In addition to that total, Americans spent another 5-billion dollars on a variety of non-surgical treatments such as skin rejuvenation.  The average surgical procedure such as rhinoplasty or a facelift or liposuction can have a price tag of four or five digits. The amount of money spent can extend past the initial cost as you might need additional treatments to maintain your results. Plus, be prepared for recovery time away from work. You might not have enough vacation time for your recovery period so you will have to miss earning money at your place of employment.
  • Plastic surgery addiction – Most people think they’ll only have one surgery and be done with it. However, there are others who can’t stop having plastic surgery such as Cindy Jackson. Jackson holds the world record for the most plastic surgeries on one person. She is close to 60-years-old and has undergone over 40 plastic surgeries at a cost of over $100,000. Body dysmorphic disorder affects almost 5\\% of Americans yet it impacts almost 15\\% of cosmetic surgery patients. Make sure you are having plastic surgery for reasons that don’t have to do with imagined defects on your body.
  • It can be risky – There are a number of pre-existing conditions that can cause your health to be at risk while having plastic surgery. From diabetes to smoking to heart disease, being in poor overall health might cause complications during surgery. Make sure you are examined by a doctor and determined to be in good health before having surgery.
  • Unrealistic expectations can make you unhappy – Do you want plastic surgery because you feel changing your appearance will make your life better? A study conducted by the Aesthetic Surgery Institute found that almost a third of patients were unhappy with some part of their facelift results. Some people who have plastic surgery tend to exhibit signs of depression and anxiety after the surgery. Don’t go into the procedure with the idea that it will be the magic answer to solving problems in other areas of your life. The more you think your life will be completely changed after surgery, the more likely you are to be disappointed.
  • Are you healthy enough to undergo the procedure - This is arguably the most important factor to find out before deciding to get work done. The state of your health is paramount to the success of the procedure so before undergoing a cosmetic procedure, make sure you tell your plastic surgeon all about your medical history so the doctor can fully examine your body in order to determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure. Keeping things from your plastic surgeon can jeopardize the procedure.
  • Get full details about the procedure - Most people decide to undergo a plastic surgery procedure without knowing a single thing about the treatment. A lot of patients that do this often find themselves regretting their choice. Knowing the name of the procedure is different from knowing what it actually entails. You should know if the procedure is going to achieve the results you want and whether it is the correct procedure for the body part you are enhancing. You should also know the medical name of the procedure so you can confirm it when hospital or medical center employees ask.
  • What do you want to gain from the procedure - Everyone who goes through with plastic surgery does so because they hope to achieve something. Some people don't fully explain what they hope to gain from a cosmetic procedure to their surgeon so they may end up wasting their time and money. Some of the things people hope to achieve from their procedure are unrealistic and maybe impossible. This is why it is important you tell your doctor what you hope to gain prior to the procedure so you can know if it is possible or not. Obviously, an improvement in the contour of a particular body part is expected. Perhaps you may even gain a boost in self-esteem. If you are expecting anything more than that, you should know the limitations of your procedure.
  • Is plastic surgery your only option? - This is a very important factor to consider before having surgery. As mind-blowing as the benefits of plastic surgery may seem, it doesn't eradicate the fact that there are a lot of risks involved. Before you decide to go for a plastic surgery procedure, it's important you check for alternatives. Could you improve your diet? Could you move your body a little bit more and get more exercise? Not having surgery at all is also an alternative.
  • Will you be able to hide the scars? -  Your ability to successfully hide your scars should be one of the things you consider before having plastic surgery. You should expect scars with plastic surgery! You should know where your scars will be placed. This is especially important if you wear low-cut pants or shirts or bikinis. Plastic surgeons know where to hide or camouflage scars and take pride in their incision closures.



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