Nine Reasons To Get A Tummy Tuck

Posted March 29, 2016

Abdominoplasty, AKA a tummy tuck, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that flattens and tones the belly by removing excess fat, tightening the muscles and removing loose skin. A tummy tuck is mostly associated with women who want to regain their shape after pregnancy. The most suitable candidates for an abdominoplasty are patients in a good state of health both physically and mentally, patients who aren't obese although slightly obese patients, who have lost skin elasticity, can also undergo the procedure. Patients are strongly advised to have realistic expectations regarding the results of the procedure. The patient is placed under general anesthesia before two incisions are made. One incision runs from the hip bone on one side of the body to the hip bone on the other side of the body (close to the pubic area). The other incision goes around the navel. The skin is separated from the abdominal muscles before the abdominal muscles are pulled together and stitched into place for a more narrow waist and firmer abdomen. The separated flap of skin is then stretched over the newly tightened muscles and any excess skin is removed before the incisions are closed using sutures.

Nine Reasons to Have a Tummy Tuck

Tummy tucks are routinely performed on both men and women. Here are nine reasons why patients decide to have a tummy tuck:

Loose Skin - Diet and exercise can help tone muscles but they aren’t much help in getting rid of loose skin. A tummy tuck tightens the area from the rib cage to the pubic bone which reshapes the abdominal walls. The loose, flabby skin can be transformed into a smoother shape.

Stretch Marks – Women who are pregnant often get stretch marks during their pregnancy because their muscles and skin stretch out as the baby grows. Stretch marks also commonly happen to people who have lost a good amount of weight. A tummy tuck can get rid of the stretch marks and greatly improve the appearance of the area where the stretch marks were located.

Scarring – Older scars from previous surgeries can make the skin appear unattractive. A tummy tuck can get rid of the scars from an older procedure like an appendectomy and help the skin become free of scars and blemishes.

Ashamed to Wear Certain Clothes –There are many patients who are ashamed to wear clothing that can show off their loose skin. Even though the tummy tuck will result in a scar across the lower part of the abdomen, as well as the belly button, most patients would rather have scars that can be covered up as opposed to flabby skin. After the surgery, many patients choose to get rid of their oversized clothing and wear more fitted outfits that showcase their new figure.

Smooth Stomach – One look at models and celebrities on the red carpet shows that flat stomachs are the ideal look. A flatter tummy gives greater balance to the appearance of a person.

Want to Feel Younger – A majority of patients who choose to have a tummy tuck had flatter stomachs in their youth. A flatter stomach with better muscle tone helps patients feel like they did when they were younger.

Better Self-Image – A tummy tuck makes more than physical changes to a person. There are also mental changes as a patient often feels better about their appearance which results in a better overall self-image.

Feeling Sexy – Everyone wants to look their best for their significant other. Whether it’s a night of dinner and dancing or an evening in the bedroom, a smoother and flatter tummy makes a person feel more confident when spending some quality time with their special someone.

Better Lifestyle Choices – A tummy tuck is not an inexpensive procedure so the majority of patients strive to maintain their results. Once they spend the money to improve their abdomen area, patients tend to take better physical care of their bodies because they don’t want to undergo another surgical procedure in the future.

<h2>Additional Medical Reasons for a Tummy Tuck<h2>

Besides these nine common reasons that patients get a tummy tuck, there are medical reasons that patients undergo the procedure:

Ventral Hernia Treatment – A ventral hernia is a condition characterised by the penetration of the abdominal wall by the intestine or abdominal tissue to form a pocket. There are several factors that lead to this condition including abdominal weakness caused by huge weight loss or surgeries like caesarean section or appendectomy. The basic symptoms of this condition can be corrected by a tummy tuck.

Controlling Stress Urinary Incontinence – Following a natural vaginal birth, some women develop SUI which is a health problem associated with involuntary leakage of urine while coughing, sneezing, exercising or stressful conditions. Several studies into the anatomy of women suffering from this condition have shown that tummy tuck can aid in recovery from the condition particularly among women who haven't undergone a caesarean section in the past. During the procedure, a slight bladder blockage is created using soft tissue near the pelvic area which reduces incontinence.

Enhancing Abdominal Tone and Body Posture – The stomach often becomes distended after extreme weight loss or multiple pregnancies. Following a tummy tuck, patients have been known to notice a significant improvement in their posture due to the tightened muscles supporting the spine. This improved posture also helps relieve several types of back pain.

Before making the final decision to have a tummy tuck, patients should schedule a consultation appointment with a board-certified doctor. The doctor will examine the patient to determine if a tummy tuck is the ideal solution to achieve the results desired by the patient.




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