How Much Cosmetic Surgery Has Kim Kardashian Had?

Posted July 13, 2016

Kim Kardashian is known for many things including being married to Kayne West, a career as a successful business person and even an infamous sex tape. No matter how many accomplishments she has in her life, it seems the first thing that is discussed when it comes to Kim is plastic surgery. Her evolving look over the years has led her to being accused of undergoing numerous cosmetic surgeries by many practicing surgeons and beauty experts. What exactly are the surgeries that Kardashian has been suspected of having during her rise to fame?

  • Nose Job – Many experts have noted that Kim’s overall nose, as well as the tip of her nose, appear to be thinner now than in recent years. There is also suspicion that she had dermal fillers injected into her nose during a non-surgical nose job to eliminate a bump on her nose. These rhinoplasty experts feel that too many nose surgeries can make the nose appear to not be in proportion with the rest of the face. Kim is not there yet but another rhinoplasty (or two) might cause her to have a nose out of sync with the rest of the face.
  • Upper and Lower Body – One dermatologist based in New York told that Kim likely had plastic surgery on her lower body as well as her upper body in order to enhance her face and hips. The surgical procedures she suspects Kim of undergoing include hip implants and a brow lift.
  • Buttock – For a woman who is discussed on a daily basis in the media, the one aspect of her life that seems to gain the most attention is her bountiful booty. Even though Kardashian had an x-ray to prove that her ample buttock is real, some sources claim that Kim had lipo done on her legs and then had the fat re-injected into her buttock. Kim denies this claim but her first husband, music producer Damon Thomas, claims that the story is true. Thomas says Kardashian had breast augmentation performed as well as liposuction.
  • Lips and Cheeks – Like any proud mom, Kim posted a photo of herself and her baby on social media shortly after giving birth to her first child.  Beauty experts jumped on what appeared to be increased volume in her cheeks and lips. These beauty experts took Kim’s pouty lip look to be a sign of lip augmentation with dermal fillers. They also suspect fillers in her cheeks to provide a more sculpted look.

The full extent of any and all cosmetic surgeries undergone by Kim Kardashian might never be known by the general public. One aspect of having plenty of money to spend on appearance altering surgery is the ability to have doctors and nurses sign agreements to not speak publicly about the procedures. Even if the number of surgeries is never revealed to the public, there is no doubt that the results will be covered for all to see on television and social media.

- MA 


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