Hot Plastic Surgery Procedures & Trends For 2016

Posted January 08, 2016

It’s barely 2016 and experts are already discussing what will be the big trends in plastic surgery in the coming year. Will butt implants and bigger lips continue to be among the most popular surgeries or will big breast implants make a comeback? Here are the procedures experts say will give patients the “must have looks” in the months ahead.

The trend towards bigger lips will continue to reign in 2016. Many fashion experts point to Kylie Jenner as one of the main reasons that larger lips were so popular in 2015. In fact, a number of doctors across the country say a greater number of female patients are bringing in photos of Jenner as a point of reference of what size lips they are trying to achieve. It seems that Kylie has passed Angelina Jolie on the list of most desired lips. While many doctors are willing to give their patients lips like Kylie’s, they do warn against altering their looks at too young an age. Both medical and fashion experts have often pointed out that the teenage Jenner might be too young to use fillers and have plastic surgeries as her body has not stopped growing or maturing.

While plastic surgery is often thought of as more of a female leaning surgery, many men choose to have a procedure or two. Thanks to the changing workplace in America, a good majority of men elect to have surgery in order to look younger. The most popular plastic surgeries for men in 2015 were on their eyelids or chests. These two procedures are expected to continue as the dominant choices for men in 2016.

However, it’s not just the eyelids and chest that men are focusing on to help them maintain a younger appearance in the workplace. A good number of men are expected to have procedures done on the chin or neck area. Many guys are opting to tighten up their sagging necks and eliminate their jowls. The chin is a popular area for implants as a strong chiseled jawline has been a male ideal for years thanks to classic (and current) Hollywood stars with strong and prominent jawlines. The rise of the selfie has caused many men to pay more attention to their appearance.

The days of bigger breast implants being the dominant choice for women might be over. There are a variety of reasons women are opting to have smaller implants or even trade in their bigger implants for smaller implants. Some of the reasons include the desire to have more natural looking breasts (as opposed to overly large and fake looking implants) and the changing ideal of the female form. While bigger butt implants were popular in the past year, smaller breast implants are now in style thanks to celebrities with smaller breasts including Keira Knightley, Charlize Theron, Gwen Stefani and Emma Watson.

While bigger butts are still in style, some experts are predicting that the days of overly large and oversized buttocks implants might be on the way out for female patients in the next few years. In fact, doctors across the country are saying that many patients are choosing more understated implants in order to achieve a more subtle contouring of the buttocks. Much like the trend towards smaller breasts, medical experts say that butt augmentation choices will evolve towards more of a natural look. Many women are finding that too much augmentation in the buttocks area is almost a sure sign to others that the patient has undergone an augmentation procedure. The move towards more natural looking results helps the patient feel more confident that others around them will not be able to tell that any procedure has been performed.

With the constant changes and demands for new types of plastic surgery procedures, it’s hard to predict if the procedures listed above will still be at the top of the list at the end of the year. It will be fun to look back at the end of 2016 and see if the experts were correct in their predictions for the coming year. It will also be interesting to see the new plastic surgery procedures that come into style and if they go to the top of the most desired procedures list.

- MA


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