Did Russian Leader Have Plastic Surgery?

Posted April 03, 2015

Russian President Vladamir Putin has been on a ten-day hiatus. The collective world had been holding their breath as rumors swirled among pundits and governments alike, as to the whereabouts of the embattled leader of Russia. Fresh off the heels of an assassination scandal involving a political rival, everyone had been speculating the worse.

Many believe that it was a health issue being attended to that Putin did not want revealed to the world. Others claim it was a self-imposed absence as he tended to a pregnancy involving his gymnast girlfriend. CIA and MI5 speculated that Putin was sick with the flu, but asked that his “people” keep it under wraps because of his public image of being “manly”. But alas, after his reemergence into society the rumors persisted, just into a wholly different direction.

Most people in the media and public alike have commented on Putin’s new youthful appearance, sparking the talk of plastic surgery. That’s right! Vladamir Putin is said to have had a facelift or blephoraplasty or a combination of the two, leading to his ten-day break from the media and prying eyes.

Upon his return, most people would agree when looking at a side by side photo of Putin, before and after his “vacation,” that the Russian leader looks much more “rejuvenated”--especially around the area of the eyes. A spokesperson for the Russian leader has declined to comment on many occasions when asked about the possibility of the procedures.

This wouldn’t be the first time that Putin has gone under the knife. Putin had previously gotten some work done that was so noticeable that he was later said to have had the doctor’s license taken from him. Whether that is true or not remains to be seen. What can be seen though are the before and after photos of the leader’s new face. 


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