Scrotox - Learn about Injecting Botox in the Scrotum

Posted September 27, 2016

Cosmetic surgery is widely used to lessen wrinkles, add volume and give a more youthful appearance to a person. The parts of the body that are easily seen by others can be tweaked and tightened in a variety of ways. There is now a new plastic surgery procedure gaining in popularity that helps an area of the body that is not seen as often by others. The procedure involves the injection of Botox into the scrotum in order to inflate testicles that are slightly deflated or wrinkly and it is commonly known as “Scrotox”.

Scrotox Explained

Scrotox helps ease sweating in the treated area, reduces wrinkles and makes the scrotum look larger by relaxing the muscles. Mark Norfolk, clinical director of Transform Clinic in England, has noticed that the number of requests for scrotum Botox at his clinic has doubled in the past year. While the number of requests shows a growing demand for the treatment, Norfolk said they do not offer Scrotox. While the procedure does help with sweating issues, he is not convinced that it will definitely help patients reduce wrinkles in that area. According to Norfolk, there is a lot of loose skin associated with that area of the body and an injectable treatment might not be able to tighten or shift the loose skin enough to make a visible difference. In order to get rid of the loose skin, patients might need to have more traditional surgery.

Mark Norfolk does say that, much like any other cosmetic surgery procedure, patients should perform due diligence when it comes to research about the procedure. They need to find a practitioner who has experience in performing the treatment and is confident in his or her abilities. It is also important for patients to approach Scrotox with an open mind in terms of the results they will see after the procedure. Patients need to manage their expectations because the treatment might be very costly for the budgets of some patients. They should decide in advance if the possible results are worth the investment they will need to make in terms of the amount of money they will spend on the treatment.

More to Scrotox than Meets the Eye

Scrotox is more than just an aesthetic procedure. Here are a few of the numerous benefits the procedure offers:

  • Smoother balls with little to no wrinkles
  • Greatly reduces testicular pain
  • Reduces excessive sweating of the balls
  • Helps to enhance sexual activity
  • Ideal solution for tightly packed balls

In addition, wrinkling of the scrotum is majorly caused by muscle contraction. There is a layer of muscle under the skin that is the source of the wrinkles and this can be treated with Scrotox. Scrotox relaxes the muscles and gives the scrotum a smoother look. The relaxation of the muscles also makes them hang lower and appear bigger.

It has been noted that many runners and cyclists like to have Botox injected in the area because it helps to relieve and/or prevent skin irritation that is the result of excess rubbing and sweating while running or cycling.

Criticism of Scrotox

A large percentage of patients undergoing Scrotox are older males who still feel energetic and youthful but appears older and more rugged in appearance than they would like. The fast rise of Scrotox has seen the procedure face criticisms.

The main point Scrotox critics are eager to point out is that it is excessive and that it is an embodiment of the moral decay that is prevalent in society today. Some critics claim that Scrotox is an extreme form of male grooming that offers little returns for the cost paid by patients.

How Scrotox is performed

The procedure begins with a thorough assessment of the area to determine the number of Botox injections needed to get the best results and if the scrotum is free of infections or any other medical condition that can negatively impact the procedure. After the scrotum has been fully checked, a numbing cream or topical anesthetic is applied to minimize any form of discomfort during the procedure. This is followed by the injection of the right amount of Botox into the muscles present under the skin of the scrotum. In most cases, approximately 20-25 small Botox injections are administered into the scrotum using small diabetic syringes. The procedure doesn't take more than thirty to forty minutes to perform. Patients can return to their daily routine immediately after the treatment. The procedure requires little to no recovery time though some mild painkillers can be taken if necessary. Depending on the number of shots required, the procedure results can last for 3-6 months.

Why Men want to have Scrotox

We live in an era where men having plastic surgery and other cosmetic procedures are a familiar sight. Plastic surgery is generally more acceptable now than it has ever been in the history of mankind. A growing number of men are undergoing procedures like a facelift and Botox to reduce facial wrinkling as well as liposuction to reduce stubborn fat. More men than ever before care about their health and skin and actively work on maintaining a good shape to their body. These days, 60 is the new 50 as men search for ways to improve their confidence and increase their quality of life.


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